Projects – Details

Participant Info

First Name
Last Name
ZTHZ, Division of Animal Welfare, University of Bern
Working/Support Group Interest
SG5; SG9; WG1; WG2; WG3
Extended Project Summary
The objective of the present study is to decrease stress during the first few weeks in the laying barn after transfer from the rearing barn (i.e., transition period) by investigating structural-related similarities between rearing and laying environments and their effects on bird behavior (e.g., falls and distribution in the system), bone health (i.e., keel bone fractures (KBF)) and performance (e.g., laying performance, floor eggs). Specifically, a similar aviary design during the rearing and laying phase as well as the use of ramps in both phases will be investigated to facilitate adaptation to the new environment and enhance vertical locomotion and use of resources such as nests, perches and feeders in the laying system. We anticipate improved utilization of the various aviary areas, better circulation and distribution within the aviary and decreased KBF resulting from fewer falls and collisions due to similar designs and inclusion of ramps in the rearing and laying environment.